
Why Choose Go for Next Project?

Why Choose Go for Next Project?

Golang is a general purpose programming language It is designed to solve problems Google was facing with other languages such as C++ and Java in large distributed networks. However, Golang is a general purpose programming language and you can develop CLI utilities for microservices with it.
What Can Built With Golang

What Can Built With Golang

Golang is becoming increasingly popular day by day. There are a lot of open source libraries available and many companies are using Golang for their products. However, you should not use Golang to build everything. Let’s discuss what we can build with Golang, and what are the things we should not build with Go.
Notable Companies Using Golang

Notable Companies Using Golang

Many companies like Google, Docker, Uber, Dropbox etc. are using it for their software development needs. Its simplicity and high performance make it an attractive option for various industries. In this blog post, we will discuss 9 prominent companies that are utilizing Golang for their software development needs.
7 Favourite Golang Open Source Projects

7 Favourite Golang Open Source Projects

This blog post features our 7 favourite Go open-source projects, showcasing the versatility of the programming language. The projects range from popular web frameworks to tools for infrastructure management and building static websites. These contributions demonstrate how Go can be used in various industries and applications.
Top Golang IDEs & Code Editors

Top Golang IDEs & Code Editors

This blog post highlights the top Golang integrated development environments (IDEs) and code editors. Golang’s increasing popularity has led to the development of many specialized tools for writing and managing Go code, making it easier and more efficient for developers to work with the language.